September, 2024

Showing off the $4200 ram bought by Ashley Park studs, Bairnsdale, Vic, are Paxton’s Martin, Lilly, Will and Zoe Harvey, and PPHS’s Robin Steen.

A healthy clearance of Border Leicester rams left Paxton principal Martin Harvey “over the moon” after the stud’s seventh annual on-property sale on Thursday at Western Flat.

Amidst a tough season for Border sales, strong support from regular clients helped the Harvey family sell 137 of the 151 rams offered to an average of $1270.

While the average was markedly back on last year’s outstanding $3013, Mr Harvey said his expectations of a two-thirds clearance had been easily surpassed.

“We’re absolutely over the moon,” he said.

“The people that are here have been with us for a long time and are professional first cross ewe producers.

“While others may have dropped off, these people are in it for the long haul.”

Mr Harvey was also pleased that his biggest supporters were able to get value for money after a couple of higher-priced sales.

There was also stud interest evident at the start of the auction, with the sale high of $4200 made for Lot 4, a purchase for the Kyle family, Ashley Park studs, Bairnsdale, Vic.

From an Inverbrackie sire purchased for $20,000 in 2021, the June 2022-drop ram was born a triplet and had SuperBorder status thanks to a Border Leicester Cross Index of 138.96 – the second highest in the catalogue.

The Kyles offer Border Leicesters for private selection and also breed Poll Dorsets, White Suffolks and Southdowns.

Another ram in the first row was knocked down for $3600 to SJ&KL Francis, Western Flat.

From a Glencorrie sire purchased in 2021, Lot 5 was also a triplet with SuperBorder status, boasting a BLX index of 130.36.

One of the volume buyers was K Francis, Western Flat, who took with him 15 rams to $1000 twice, averaging $827.

Also successful on 15 rams – all at $800 – was KR&V McBride, Kingston.

Delro-Alaman, Woolumbool, bought 11 rams to $2200 twice, averaging $1491.

Also securing 11 rams to $2200, averaging $1636, was Deepwater Trust, Lochaber, while Farmers Leap, Padthaway, bought 10 rams to $1400, averaging $980.


C Jesse, Western Flat, finished with nine rams to $1600 three times, averaging $1289, while another local ME&JE Pridham, Western Flat, bought eight to $1600 three times, averaging $1275.

PPHS auctioneer Josh Manser thought the sale transpired well given the downturn in Border Leicester auction performances.

“We had a 90 per cent clearance so when you compare it to how other sales have fared in the current environment, it’s right up there and quite good,” he said.

He said the general downturn in Border clearances and prices could potentially stem from multiple factors, including producers spending less in a tough industry environment and potentially looking at other markets.